Let Gimlet Marketing be your brand's Lifeguard
Compo Beach Lifeguard Stand. Image property of Gimlet Marketing
Let Gimlet Marketing be your brand’s personal lifeguard!
Because every company needs someone who’ll look out for them and will have their best interest at heart.
Whether you’re a new or established business the need for marketing is a constant. You may need it to keep the traffic flowing or you may need it to introduce yourself to your local and surrounding communities. With all the businesses out there, standing out from the crowd is necessary. We work with our clients to ensure that our marketing efforts are seamless in making sure that your visibility is a constant.
With an initial partnership we’re on the lookout for any foreseeable problems and create strategies to circumnavigate them.
These efforts can include a combination of traditional PR, marketing tactics, social media and advertising guidance.
We believe that while social media is important, it should not be the only focus of any brand’s marketing efforts.
We believe in creating and hosting events and working directly with the press to help publicize these efforts.
We can also help you navigate the world of digital and print advertising to ensure that you get the best results for your expenditure.
With an ongoing partnership we remain vigilant as we watch over your brand.
If the waters are choppy, we’ll help calm them, to ensure that your business continues to grow at a healthy pace, and utilizes best practices to keep the energy level, moment and content at a constant. Even the most established, popular brands rely on solid campaign strategies.
Because every company needs someone who’s got their back!