Bettie Bearden Pardee: Private Newport

Former client


In 2015 I was hired to help Bettie Bearden Pardee with her networking and Social Media efforts. The author of Private Newport and Living Newport, garden furniture designer, national lecturer, and entertaining expert, sought me out to help launch her social media campaign. Under my guidance we launched a successful social media campaign on Facebook and Pinterest in order to promote her then newly released book, Private Newport. We also developed a plan to execute and promote her website and blog of the same name. I worked closely with her Public Relations team to give Bettie the maximum exposure, to promote her book tours, speaking engagements and the like. During my year with Bettie Pardee and her team I formulated many invaluable connections to other leaders of industry and lifestyle personalities. Through these efforts and connections Bettie partnered up with Ronda Carman, (author of Designers at Home: Personal Reflections on Stylish Living, as well as lifestyle specialist, and founder of Ronda Carman Fine Fabrics) and will be featured in Ronda's upcoming book. Under my guidance Bettie's social media following grew exponentially and when our partnership was over she was well poised to maintain steady and continued growth.